Monday, November 22, 2004


I am sitting here at the end of another school day trying to think of something to distract me from reports and what better than to pour my brain out to a computer screen! It seems that so much can happen in one school week that sometimes you don't really have time to think.
I am learning also that schools can be unpredictable places to work and just when you think that you know what your teaching allotment will be for the following year, everything changes. From the beginning of my time here, although I was hired as an English teacher, I have made it known that History is my other method and that I would like to take on some History as well next year. My KLA manager has been priming me for a Year 12 English class for the last half of this year, and I was really looking forward to it. The only teacher at this school that takes Year 12 History also takes Year 12 International Studies, and therefore, next year, was going to have 4 Year 12 classes next year. I was getting myself ready for Year 12 english next year, and then would try to get in some Year 12 History as well the following year. Just when I thought that my allotment was totally sorted, the History teacher has got a new position as Head of History at another school, leaving the school in panic mode because there is not really anyone to take his place. I have been asked to do one Year 12 History, and if a new staff member cannot be hired, I will be taking on both of the Year 12 History classes.
The prospect is really exciting, but not without its problems. One, I had really started thinking and planning for a Year 12 English next year, and am disappointed that I may not get to take it. Two, if a new staff member is hired to take the History with me, then I will be working with someone that I do not know and do not necessarily get along with.
And at this stage everything is still up in the air. If I only take 1 Yr 12 History, I might be persuaded to take a Year 12 English as well, thereby doubling my preparation.
I know that whatever happens, the support will be there to get me through, including the support of the History teacher who is leaving. He is going to spend a couple of days with me helping me plan and passing on the textbooks. He is also more than happy to be in close contact with me throughout the year.
So I have gone from an allotment of 1 Year 12 English, 1 Year 11 English, 1 Year 7 English, 1 Year 8 English and a Year 7 History
to an allotment of possibly 2 Year 12 History classes, 1 Year 11 English, a Year 7 English, and maybe something small like a Year 7 History.
I sort of like knowing what is going on, but I won't know probably won't know for another week. At least I have been told that I will have at least one History class so I can begin to plan.

I had a phonecall from VATE today about being involved in a beginning teachers conference that they have going on next year (thanks Scott!) and it sounds like a really interesting opportunity to share my feelings and experiences as a first year out teacher. I would love to get more involved in VATE, both in terms of being involved in conferences and that sort of thing, but I would also like to be doing some more writing. I have been to a few good PD days this year and it really makes me keen to be as innovative as I can. Just the chance to share ideas and techniques with other teachers is exciting. There seems to be, to a large extent, a lack of discussion about actual teaching methods and games and techniques to make the classroom more interesting. No two teachers approach the same content in the same way and no two teachers present it to the students in the same way, but it seems as though we presume that everyone teaches the way that we do. Maybe there is a fear of sharing. I wonder why?
Anyway, I have probably pondered enough today and the reports are no closer to being finished!


Scott said...

Hey, interesting news about the histories! that is great news actually - i have been battling a similar kind of situation here.

Oh, the VATE thing ... I hope that's OK. I think you'll be EXCELLENT. Does this mean you'll do it? I would like to talk about it though, in terms of how you see the panel working and the kinds of things you'd like to discuss. In fact I'd like to at least get those others who are on the panel to engage in some dialogue about it - email is probably the best bet.

anyway ... i'll get on to that after reports!

Darce said...

Sounds good. When Amanda from VATE called she said that she would let me know more details when she knew herself so I would love to have some sort of dialogue about how the panel will work. I gave Amanda my email address and you have it too so let me know