Monday, January 23, 2006

Another new beginning.

The beauty of life is that there are constantly new beginnings - no one action determines how the rest of your life will proceed, and things are always changing. That idea used to scare me I guess, but now I gain encouragement from it. So this year is another new beginning. A new year at school, a new housemate (my sister moved in two days ago), a new subject to teach (year 12 English) and a new position in the MERC (BYTES Co-ordinator). This year will be exciting, but extremely hard work - I can see that already. I have my old favourites (Year 12 history and Year 11 English) but even within those old and trusty subjects there will be new challenges. I guess that new challenges are what make life and work interesting. I came into school today with the intention of continuing to get ready for next year and to a certain extent I am, but I am avoiding working in favour of completing more niggly things. One of those things is this blog. I became very slack over the last few months and failed to blog regularly. This was for a few reasons. 1) My personal life sort of took over my head space in the last few months of last year and so my personal blog was running rampant whilst this one was left to languish. (Sorry - that was unintentional alliteration!). 2) There wasn’t too much happening at school that I thought was worthy of being recorded which may just be an excuse to cover up that 3) I think that I was putting other things before blogging through lack of time and lack of motivation.
I don’t make new year’s resolutions however if I did then mine would be to keep this blog updated – at least a couple of times a week. I am hoping that this blog will record this year and the trials and tribulations of my new job. As it is at the moment, I am unsure what my new position even entails and so it will be interesting to see how the year unfolds and how this new MERC works.
Hopefully it will be an interesting journey…


nb said...

Nice to see you back, Darce!

Scott said...

yeah, good to hear your voice again. I have been very slack too. I'm excited to see you got the MERC job. Should prove very interesting - an honours project perhaps?