Friday, June 03, 2005

Report Time again!

Can I begin my blog by saying "I have not started my reports!!" and am I worried? No! But is everyone else? It seems so!
This time of the year at my school is an interesting one. It seems that when the pressure is on there are those who just get on with it and then there are those who let everyone else know exactly what they are up to and why their lot is worse than anyone elses.
And then there is me! Instead of writing my reports in this, my first free period all week with no correction, I am sitting here blogging instead! (well I do have lost time to make up for!)
It is interesting to watch how different people deal with the stress of this time of the year though.
There are the "oh woe is me" bunch, who waste time that they could be using, complaining that they possibly cannot do the exam supervision that is scheduled in a period that they normally teach in, because they have "too much to do."
Then there is the "this report writing system is ridiculous" group, who have limited computer skills and find the 'tick-box' system of report writing all too hard.
Then there are the "where the hell did my reports go" group, who somehow save one report pad over another and lose a whole class worth of reports. This group inevitably surface on the day that reports are to be printed off and run crying down the corridoors mourning their lost reports.
Then there are the "I have finished my reports already" group who only add to the tension and the apprehension of the "oh woe is me" bunch by making them feel that they must be dismally behind the 8 ball.
At this time of the year I try to keep my head in my i-pod, not only so that I do not have to listen to the complaints, but also so that no-one tries to get me to help them with any computer problems! So maybe I fit into the "anti-social" group who keeps to themselves and doesn't get involved in the staffroom dramas. Or is the "anti-social" group anyone under 25? Or even 30? Or anyone who doesn't complain at least 4 times a day?
Maybe the administration have the answer to everyone's problems: lollies and chocolate biscuits provided for free in the staffrooms.
Maybe one day it will be free relaxation MP3's for i-pods at this time of the year.
Maybe one day they will have a cone of silence Maxwell Smart style that I can stick my head in at this time of the year.
...maybe i really am anti-social...


Anonymous said...

Sounds like the grown up's version of exam time! They start in four weeks, and already everyone's favourite people the "Oh my god I'm going to fail" doomsayers are out in force.

Yeesh. Anti-social is the only sane way to go.
good luck!

Scott said...

Well, I was beginning to wonder ... you keep turning my invitations down! I can't get you out anywhere! This is a really interesting post. You are quite a good writer, you know.

M said...

I could take this entire Blog and fit it directly to my own school. Every category of people you mention I am dealing with right now! I love the honesty of this! It makes me laugh.